Get The UbiBot ® App

Use our App to set up your device quickly and securely access your data 24/7, wherever you are. The PC Tools is a professional software for offline usage and setup troubleshooting. You can use it to export offline data as well as diagnose issues during setup.

aplikacja UbiBot w App Store aplikacja UbiBot w Google Play aplikacja UbiBot dla Windows i Mac
Supports iOS 11+ Supports Android 8.1+ Supports Windows 7+ / OS X v10.8+
Ekran aplikacji do monitoringu rejestratorów Ubibot

User Guide Download Center

Select your UbiBot ® device below to download our straightforward user manuals. UbiBot's user-friendly data loggers can be set up in just 3 minutes! The Setup Guidance video for WS1 shows all the steps of adding a device to your UbiBot account.

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